Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Do you know now to really defend yourself with krav maga, self defense or muay thai kick boxing against real life serious violent attacker? Learn How!

Tactical Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya Self Defense.

Do you know now to really defend yourself with krav maga, self defense,
or muay thai kick boxing or any other martial art?

How do you stop a massive big muscled crazy experienced violent
street thug from beating you to a pulp, do you really know how to fight back?

I have something, a gift for you, to give you in this email, which is astounding. Perhaps, you can read the email carefully, as I have included the details link below in the email.

Your Gift Self Defense E-Book which I am sharing your you, (retail value $30)

the life saving Self Defense book link is near bottom of this email, and it is

yours "on the house" for zero zilch nada cost! :-)

I preview it below, & the ebook is author is a world famous Self Defense Expert

with over 400 documentated real world violent street fights, this expert knows

REAL SELF DEFENSE & HOW TO AVOID TROUBLE, its one of the best books on self defense

I ever read, & very similar to Krav Maga!

*Note, if you can just below glance at the info on the low offer on this weekends

Krav Maga Seminar, & pass the information to any friends who might be interested

I would really appreciate it.

AND No 2 at very bottom is our 21-27 June 2009 Seminar Program, & Boy have we

some BIG changes, very exciting lined up for you, so please notice this down

the email.

Finally a friend of mine is selling off for next to zero, only to people who live

in Thailand, is huge Self Defense Krav Maga Martial Arts DVD library so if you

want to buy DVDs the cost $50 new, for a few dollars each, EMAIL him now on

OK, all the info is below, including your ebook link which is down near bottom

of the email. more no cost e-books 1 a month when you join

Ok, please see below on the seminars this weekend & in June 09 & FIND YOUR

E-BOOK link below. Enjoy Thanks Gerry :-)

On a different topic, mindset is crucial self defense success, to defeat a street attacker, mindset also is crucial for Success in Life. Anthony Robbins is a world famous Success Guru, & using his Success Technology & NLP in which I am certified, I used these Mindset skills to defeat every single street attacker I ever encountered, & I also used them to make some massive success & I changed my own personal life in a massive successful way too. If I can do it, SO CAN YOU!

I wrote an E-book on Anthony Robbins & now he changed his own life from poverty to success, & how I applied some of this teachings to do the same.

My E-book which is a simple instant down load Biography on Tony Robbins is available for you to buy online, this month for a very special price, please see

Anthony Robbins Biography Tony Robbins’ Secrets to Becoming a Multi-Millionaire eBook

If you follow the link, you can read some of the EXACT Life Changes I made from
Anthony Robbins Success Teaching, which is in the Ebook link, that I authored on him,

Check it out right now...

Anthony Robbins Biography Tony Robbins Secrets to Becoming a Multi-Millionaire eBook

**First Important: KRAV MAGA SEMINAR Pattaya THIS WEEKEND,

You get the best self defense training & the best value ever. read on...
Saturday & Sunday 11am-4pm 14-15 March 09

You have a great value off here as this weekend in Pattaya, the adults beginners

Krav Maga Self Defense Workshop THIS WEEKEND coming Saturday & Sunday 11am-4pm 14-15 March 09, 10 hours krav maga training, you will learn street self defense use of krav maga.

Details below, or see the pdf doc attached to this email.

There is a very very low once off price of only 4,897 B if you book by Wednesday coming.

(Ok after you see the attached pdf doc with all our krav maga seminar information),

can you please read on, as the special revelation is below in the email, & what

I will share/give you today, "on the house" could change your life for ever.

Please see doc attached with all the information on krav maga seminars,

email me on, or

see our blog which is

Within Thailand Phone or SMS Text Message 085288309

Your Krav Maga Self Defense Seminar Pattaya will be based in World Class

Muay Thai MMA Center

Read below for the serious revelation I have for you.

Indeed, if YOU DO NOT get this life saving (it's outstanding & amazing, actually spell binding, and no cost, zero, my gift to you) information, you are missing out.

Yes, you will miss out learning how to be Aware of, recognise & Avoid potential violent attackers or criminal muggers & there is a very important section on sexual rapists & how to be Aware & Avoid violence, rape, or being a victim of physical violence, which offers amazing insights from the streets...

This gift at zero cost to you, gives an amazing insight into the twisted & crazy psychology & mindset, of Violent Attackers, Robbers, Rapists, & "Tough Guys" who get a climax out of kicking the crap out of innocent people. So you read on to find out...


Because the author of your gift ebook which I am sharing with you, actually went and He Interviewed in prisons & on the street, the bad violent criminals in prisions, & asked the violent criminals, rapists & muggers, & found out direct from these violent criminals...

WHAT Exactly they look for when they pick out & select their victims & how you may become their prey, be it for robbery, rape, or just to "get off & get a kick" on an act of extreme violence on some innocent person, who was in the wrong place & the wrong time.


I said, you will also learn how to be Aware of, & how to avoid potential attackers, and also YOU will learn simple, effective, lethal, proven Physical Self Defense Techniques to destroy the attackers. (it is amazing information the e-book I am going to give you today.

Do you know that I stayed up until 6am this morning, reading the book over & over, & I have 25 years martial arts self defense experience, I am not a virgin to the world of street violence, as I have had to defend myself from attackers or violent incidents, many times over the years.

(I will tell you now, that the details of link for the ebook is below in the body of this email, so please read on, so you do not miss out on it, only a few more seconds for you to please read the rest of my email personally to you, and I need you help me out for a few seconds please because I need to tell you, this simple fact... )

The book is excellent, I learned a lot reading it last night. Reading it, you can learn, how to notice a violent person noticing you, with you perhaps on the menu to be the next victim of attack. I have provide the web link below, in the email, to this Self Defense Masterpiece down the body of the email. (You need to be aware of one more thing because it is a survival secret I want you to know about, so please read on...)

But I must tell you, to really get this information down, you will need to train & practive under a certified self defense instructor who has real street attack expereince, not just the physical self defense, we can also & we do train you on the psychological Pre-Fight "Interview" & the Awareness & Avoidence of Violent Attackers & Situations.

I call this "Soft Skills" Self Defense & you also learn the physical "How to Fight Back & Defend Yourself with Krav Maga Self Defense" skills too, which are simple, easy to learn & with the right mindset, you can stun an attacker & escape. (Or Destroy the Attacker, if it is, a terrorist style attack.)

Did you see the news recently?

Mumbai India terrorist attacks, are becoming more common place, globally. Your chances of experience a gun hold up or being attacked by knives or weapons has increased major, this past year alone.

(Do not worry the down load link is coming for you in the email. I have even included a photo of a very beautiful sexy lady with the ebook, just for the guys! Sorry girls, the males in the ebook are not very good looking. You can check me out my pics & krav maga profile on if you use to find me

Please everyone link up to me on use either info@ or to link to my facbook profile as I will be soon add online krav maga self defense video clips, to help my Facebook Friends learn to defend themselves). :-)

You can have a look at our training online videos, you might enjoy our new video clips we just posted on youtube.

**Very Important

Please see attached, a PDF 3 page document of all our seminars in

Krav Maga, Professional Security Bodyguard with Israeli Point Hand Gun Shooting Seminar & a 7 Day Tactical Krav Maga Seminar 21-27 June 09 here in Pattaya Thailand.

You will learn from an actual full time current I.D.F. Commander, who is an anti-terrorist expert, & has trained army & police forces worldwide, & has spent 10 years working undercover on daily life & death missions against suicide terrorists, will serving in Israels Duvdevan Elite Unit, who often have used hands only krav maga to save their lives, in real world situations.

This will be you instructor in the Thailand 21-27 June 2009 Seminars in Pattaya & please email me for more info. All my contact details are on the attached PDF or email me & I can resend you the PDF or paste the details into an email for you. (Also our Blog has extra details).

*** Even More Urgent THIS WEEKEND SAT & SUN 14-15 March 09 in Pattaya.

You can come to a special value, 10 hour ( 5 hours a day 11am - 4pm)

You will learn to defend yourself on this Krav Maga Self Defense weekend workshop in Pattaya Thailand, & if your in Bangkok, it only 90 minutes or so drive or 150 B bu ticket to come to Pattaya this weekend for your Krav Maga workshop. In fct you can make a weekend of fun out of it, as we do not begin training to 11am each morning. See the attached PDF doc, for all the details or email me now on

If you are over 18 years of age, & in ok physical shape, & keen to learn basic Krav Maga Self Defense, (mirroring what you will read in your ebook gift you get today), this weekend coming Krav Maga Workshop in Pattaya, instructed by myself is ideal for you.14-15 March 09 Pattaya 11am-4pm Saturday & Sunday. Info also on

This is a special offer, as if you book & pay in full before Thursday 12th March 2009, the price for the 10 hour weekend workshop, & I am offering you as a limited special, you can do the seminar for only a very low affordable 4,897 Baht which gets you 10 hours training.

Good Deal! :-) Contact me now on or call or sms text me on 0852883709 (please leave a voice mail with all your details, or SMS them to me, so I can call back or email me).

Also you can see your krav maga seminar videos on look for username KravMagaThailand or go to


We at teach you unarmed self defense krav maga, you also will learn to defend against baton, baseball bat, bottle, knife, blade, threats & attacks & as used by Israeli Special Forces I.D.F. Commandos, we teach you how to defend, get out of the line of fire, & remove a gun, pistol or rifle/long gun threat or hold up. You will learn on this weekend workshop in Pattaya, & also in more depth on our Professional Security or 7 days Krav Maga Seminar on the 21-27 June 2009 in Pattaya, how to defend & destroy a gun hold up attacker.

Here in Pattaya, a small city of less than 200,000 permanent residents, there is a serious high level of gun crime from murders, down to drunk teenager gangs down motorbike drive by shoot ups, on public roads. And that does not include the global international scary expansion of global terrorism! Look at the terrorist attack on a cricket team in Pakistan in recent days!

Ok, I am going to give you the link to this amazing self defence ebook, as it is posted online, you do not have to download, or you do not have to register your email to get the ebook. You just click on the link below, to the online eboook home page, & you will see listed, all the different chapters of magical self protection secrets. Please read it, & absorb the information, it will save your life or better even help you avoid a violent attack, due to the physcological weapons given in this bible. It is called Dead or Alive.

One thing, I ask is please forward this email & our Krav Maga Seminar PDF to as many people as possible, as them getting this information on the bigger "good karma" picture, may help them too avoid or protect themselves from the horror & brutality of a physical hurtful & mentally scarring for life, violent attack.

I am going to have many more Self Defense ebooks to send you, including e-report on Krav Maga, classic once "Top Secret Classified" hand2hand combat manuals used by the commandos of World War II, I will be yours free if you & your friends join my opt in email list on

If you want to learn how to do, what is in the ebook, please email me urgently for details of this weekends krav maga workshop in Pattaya or to book or ask questions on the June 2009 Seminars.

The link for your gift must read Dead or Alive ebook I will also post on

**Get Your Ebook Now, Just go to the link below, or see our blog for the link, provided by online martial arts e-mag

The web link for your ebook on self defense called Dead or Alive go to

Warmest Regards

Gerry Nolan

Pattaya Thailand


Get you friends & contacts to get on the list for all the self defense martial arts krav maga goodies, check out now

P.S. Take Action, come this weekend to our Pattaya Krav Maga Workshop, you will learn to put into action with Tactical Krav Maga what you will read in your ebook. The price is a once off limited special offer & you get the best deal this weekend only for 4,897 Baht. Email me now or call me to book.

P.P.S: Would you like to get for a once off amazing deal some of the best self defense martial arts instructional DVDs from the worlds experts for next to nothing?

A friend of mine, an experienced professional bodyguard whom I train in Tactical Krav Maga for VIP Protection,(You can learn VIP Protection skills on our June 2009 Seminars) is leaving Thailand & is selling off his DVD self defence krav maga martial arts DVD collection for pennies, as he has landed a job bodyguarding an international globally famous rock band, who are about to tour stadiums & rock festivals all over the world. Yes you know the band, but I ain't telling who.

You can email him direct for a list of his DVDs, his email is He will only post to you if you live within Thailand, & the DVDs which I have seen myself after our training sessions offer amazing instruction in many arts & self defense systems.

If your living in Thailand & want to get info on what DVDs he is selling be fast to ensure you can get them at a bargin basement price before he leaves on tour,
email him on

Boxer Rebellion Bangkok Thailand Next MMA Self Defense Gym

If you are in Bangkok, & I will write more on our blog about this, you must check out the new excellent state of the art reality self defense martial arts gym in Bangkok near Asoke Soi 13 Sukhumvit. You can learn Bruce Lee Arts Jeet Kune Do from one of the top JKD & Kali Masters in the World Sifu Mark Stewart (Mark trained under Bruce Lees personal private inner circle students Ted Wong & Dan Innansanto, & trained the US Navy SEALs in knife fighting), Kickboxing, Savate, MMA, Wrestling, Grappling, & under our own certified TKM Instructor Leigh Harris you can have Tactical Krav Maga.

Please go to

THIS WEEKEND COMING 14th-15th March 2009 Weekend Workshop Krav Maga RBSD open to Adult Beginners, in Pattaya Thailand, just 90 minutes from Bangkok.

Krav Maga Pattaya March 2009 Weekend Seminar 14 -15th March Pattaya Thailand Krav Maga (near Bangkok)

Krav Maga Seminar Pattaya Thailand Saturday & Sunday 14th - 15th March 2009 Self Defense Krav Maga Course Pattaya

14th - 15th March 2009 Saturday & Sunday 11am - 4pm Krav Maga Seminar Pattaya Thailand

Pattaya Thailand Krav Maga Weekend Course March 2009, only 90 minutes drive or bus from Bangkok Thailand,

we have a weekend of 14th - 15th March 2009 Krav Maga Seminar which give you over the 2 days

Saturday & Sunday, 11am - 4pm daily, 10 hours total krav maga defensive tactics training. (5 hours x 2 days in Pattaya).

Krav Maga Pattaya at Kombat Muay Thai Kick Boxing MMA Gym Pattaya present this martial arts seminar on Krav Maga Self Defense will allow you to learn to defend yourself against street fights with the famous krav maga combat fighting system.

Videos, see what YOU will learn at a Thailand Pattaya Krav Maga Seminar Video Clips. ( user KravMagaThailand)

Krav Maga teaches you:

*Basic strikes for self defense

*Escapes from Grabs, Holds, Bear Hugs, Chokes common street attacks.

*Psychology of Street Self Defense, Awareness, How to Avoid Violence

*Basic ground fighting and escapes

*Defense against knife, baton/baseball bat and gun threat/attacks.

We are offering excellent Defensive Tactics Krav Maga Thailand Training Seminar training time 11am -4pm both days, so you can have time when you travel down for this seminar krav maga from Bangkok or other Thailand cities,

Bangkok Krav Maga Trainees do not have far to travel to fun Pattaya, outside of krav maga training, you can visit the beach, go to the islands off Pattaya, enjoy the famous night life of Pattaya or go to Pattaya Jontiemn Shooting club after our March Seminar in Krav Maga, & experience shooting semi-automatic Glock hand guns.

The 14th - 15th March 2009 Krav Maga Seminar Pattaya is only a low priced high value early booking price of 4,897 B

when you book right now & you pay before 12th March in full, you also get an early booking Krav Maga DVD & a

Krav Maga Self Defence Book.

Contact Email for details now

Phone +66(0)852883709 leave voicemail with details or

SMS text message your name number & question to +66852883709

(Internal Thailand call or SMS Text 0852883709)

All our contact details are on our 1AKravMaga Pattaya Thailand Bangkok Web Site

Krav Maga E-Book Your Free Self Defense Krav Maga Ebook

P.S. Remember, the Pattaya Krav Maga Weekend Sat & Sun March 09 Thailand Pattaya (near Bangkok) workshop seminar is THIS weekend coming 14th-15th March, so you need to book & pay in full this week for the Krav Maga Pattaya Thailand Seminar Krav Maga Certified Instructor Gerry Nolan

Email Gerry to book on info[at}kravmagathailand[dot] com

Phone or SMS text 0852883709


Please scroll down the document for more interesting exclusive information, which can potentially have a life changing effect, regarding your personal safety, the current International Terrorist threat, the increase in robbery & violence, caused by the current global outlook, & your ability or perhaps lack of ability, to protect yourself, & protect your family & loved ones.

Tactical Krav Maga Security, Shooting, Firearms Bodyguard Seminar

Pattaya Thailand

21st - 27th June 2009 (7 days training)

Krav Maga Security Firearms Shooting, Bodyguard Car Driving, Krav Maga Self Defense Combat system as used by Israeli I.D.F. Special Forces as their battle tested hand 2 hand combat martial this 21-27 June 2009 in Pattaya Thailand, near Bangkok. The Seminar is designed for Law Enforcement, Military, Security professionals and NGO's who work in a very high risk zone and who want to take their training to a new level or for physical fit civilian adults, who are physically fit & want to bring their martial arts, self defense, or krav maga, (adult krav maga beginners welcome) and have the travel experience of a life time, training & having fun in SE Asia number 1 exclusive beach resort Pattaya Beach, Thailand.

The Professional Security Firearms Shooting Bodyguard Krav Maga Seminar Pattaya June 2009 course will cover the following subject units:
TKM Security Concepts Suicide Terrorism/Anti-Terrorism Awareness Training THB 9,900

Tactical Krav Maga Israeli Military Self Defense Combatives Martial Art THB 16,500

TKM Pistol Shooting + Urban Close Quarter Battle CQB THB 49,700

TKM Car Driving defensive bodyguard protection specialist vehicle driving THB 44,700

Book in for all the units above and pay by 1st May 09 for only THB 97,750 inc. accommodation and airport pick up.

The emphasis for these subject units will be applying Krav Maga, TKM Shooting (Hand Gun Semi-Automatic Firearm with Israeli Defense Forces I.D.F. Special Forces Commander as your instructor, TKM Driving, TKM Urban CQB Close Quarter Battle Tactics and TKM Security Concepts to real world situations (e.g. Mumbai style terrorist attacks ) for Law Enforcement, Military, NGO's and Security personnel & Civilians who with basic level of physical fitness who want to bring their Krav Maga, Self Defense, or Martial Arts training into the 21st Century, to deal with & learn to defend against the growing situation of international terrorism.

Instructor for the 21 – 27 June 2009 Professional Security Shooting, Bodyguard Driving & Combat Self Defense Krav Maga Pattaya Thailand Bangkok course will be Guy Meadan Tactical Krav Maga Israeli Firearms Point Shooting, Security and Terrorism Expert and Carl Halley Krav Maga Chief Instructor International Tactical Krav Maga for hand2hand combat & krav maga self defense against unarmed & armed attackers.

On completion of the Thailand Pattaya Krav Maga Shooting Firearms Driving June 2009 Seminar, course a person will be awarded a Tactical Krav Maga certificate for units covered and be recognized by the International Tactical Krav Maga College.

Requirements to attend this course are - employed in the field of LE, Security, Military or NGO, have no criminal record (must show proof) and be physically fit.

Total cost only 97,750 Thai Baht

If full payment is received by 1st May 2009, free accommodation and airport pick up is included.

You must contact today for further information on this 21st – 27 June 2009 Krav Maga Security, Shooting, Firearms Bodyguard Seminar Course Pattaya Thailand which is 90 minutes from Bangkok.

Email: Gerry Nolan

Phone International Outside Thailand: +66852883709

(In Thailand phone Gerry on 0852883709) Please leave a voice mail with your full name, your telephone number & your message, so we can call you back asap.

You can also SMS Text message your details or question to +66852883709

Skype gerry_nolan


Blog Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya see Krav Maga Seminar Video Footage Youtube:

Free Martial Arts Street Fighting Self Defense E-books Krav Maga MuayThai Kick Boxing

Pattaya is only 90 minutes in a taxi from Bangkok airport & Pattaya which is near Bangkok is a modern tourist resort, on the beach with excellent shopping, nightlife, water sports, & fun, with top class accommodation down to excellent budget hotels, & Pattaya Thailand offers you the best value in prices for everything.

Krav Maga Israeli Military Combatives Self Defense Martial Art Seminar Pattaya Thailand

21st - 27th June 2009 (7 days training in Tactical Krav Maga Self Defense Israeli Combat)

Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya Self Defense Israeli Fighting System Seminar 21-27 June 2009 is ideal for the adult beginner who wants to learn the Famours I.D.F. Israeli Special Forces Hand2Hand combat martial art self defense fighting Tactical Krav Maga system covering Krav Maga training

Units 1 - 10 & who wants to take their training to a new level at the June 2009 Pattaya (near Bangkok) Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya Seminar.

This June 2009 krav maga course in Pattaya will cover the Tactical Krav Maga system against - single and multiple attackers, knife attacks, gun threats, stick attacks, standing sitting & ground fighting, control & restraint, moving through crowds krav maga self protection bodyguard strike, tactical solutions.

You will learn to fight back & defend yourself & protect your loved ones from all violence, as in the seminar you will learn how to apply Tactical Krav Maga to real world scenario's in street self defense, you will learn how to successfully defend yourself against unarmed & armed street violent attacks, robbery, ATM Cash Muggings with Krav Maga.

Pattaya Krav Maga June 2009 Seminar you will learn simple, easy to do, lethal, deadly, techniques in krav maga & we are experts in training you, in the exact same skills as Israeli I.D.F. Commando Special Force Soldiers use to defend & protect themselves on a day to day basis.

We will also teach you how to avoid, be aware of, & talk you way out of Potential Street attacks, allowing you to escape, unharmed.

You are guaranteed to learn to defend yourself with Krav Maga using simple

krav maga fighting skills when you complete our 21-27 June 2009 Thailand Pattaya Krav Maga Self Defense Martial Art Seminar contingency will be strongly addressed in this course.

Instructor is Carl Halley Chief Instructor International Tactical Krav Maga.

On completion of this 7 Day Krav Maga Self Defense Pattaya Thailand Seminar (near Bangkok) course a person will be awarded a Tactical Krav Maga certificate of completion and be recognized by the International Tactical Krav Maga College.

Requirements to attend this course are - Over 18 years of age & be physically fit.

Cost for 7 days amazing life saving self defense krav maga training is only 19,500 Thai Baht.


To book your training course now, 21-27 June 2009 Thailand Pattaya which is only 90 Minutes from Bangkok, krav maga seminar, you must immediately, as the course is filling fast with booking & places on the krav maga course are getting scarce, urgently contact Thailand Krav Maga Instructor Gerry Nolan

Email: Gerry Nolan

Phone International Outside Thailand: +66852883709

(In Thailand phone Gerry on 0852883709) Please leave a voicemail with your full name, your telephone number & your message, so we can call you back asap.

You can also SMS Text message your details or question to +66852883709

Skype gerry_nolan


Blog Krav Maga Thailand Pattaya

see Krav Maga Seminar Video Footage Youtube:

P.S. Best Value this weekend coming Saturday & Sunday 11m-4pm Tactical Krav Maga Pattaya 14/15 March 09 Seminar. Book Now!

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Its so highly informative things are posted here. These things are the fresh and having good information are posted here, and also am seeking for this kind of information thanks for updated..
Self Defense Classes